What is LOC Intelligence?
It is a credit recovery and vehicle location company with outstanding payments.
The Challenge
Redesigning the application, making it more intuitive and easy to use.
My role
- I worked as a Product Designer on the project.
Client: Loc Intelligence   |   Year: 2021
The Loc Intelligence application was developed to help in the judicial recovery of financed vehicles.
Credit recovery agencies (banks, companies or offices) send vehicle records to the application. After this, a process is initiated to search for the vehicle for seizure.
Project Objectives
Stakeholders decided it was time to rethink the way users interacted with the app, aiming for an easier, more intuitive experience.
Starting my "detective" work.
Para iniciar o projeto, é importante saber mais sobre o negócio, seus objetivos e usuários. Realizei uma pesquisa para entender a fundo sobre como podemos melhorar a interface coletando dados importantes.
About the app

Imagine the following situation:
A customer buys a financed vehicle and over time realizes that he cannot pay the loan. This debt persists for a long time until the bank requests the seizure of the vehicle.
With the Loc Intelligence application, the user, called Repo Agents (repossession agents), plays the role of “detective” to find the vehicle and create a record with photos and notes for the future seizure of the vehicle.
Stakeholder Interview
By talking to stakeholders, I understood the Repo Agents routines in the application and identified several problems that are compromising the user experience.
Some improvements desired for the new version of the interface were reported:

What I know
– This app is used by so-called Repo Agents, who work like real detectives, as their goal is to locate vehicles (license plates), which are entered daily by collection agencies in the app;
– Through statistics sent by the client, we know that the peak time for access by Repo Agents is during lunchtime (12pm);
– The Repo Agent is obsessed on license plates, that is, what encourages the “hunt” for the target vehicle are the license plates shown in the app;
– The Repo Agents does not usually provide feedback on their contracts (progress of the vehicle search) to the office;
– The Repo Agent is a difficult person to find for hiring, as he really works as a detective, often working at night and on weekends, climbing a wall to see the vehicle, taking photos, using trackers and in some cases using drones;
– The app currently has 1,200 registered users with an average of 400 users using it per month;
The items: CONTRACTS, PLATES AND FAVORITES are the main functions of the application.
One feature that would be useful is favorite boards by Repo Agent and favorite by office.
Full display of how many contracts the Repo Agent has in the city using the map.
The PLAN DILIGENCE area is confusing for users and does not show all due diligences (investigations).
We would like to improve the highlighted area (banner) on the home screen where we run campaigns to encourage search and seizure.
In the CONTRACT area: encourage the Finder to record the diligence and provide feedback on it.
Improved information filter in the DILIGENCES area.
What I don't know
– Is the vehicle search registration and tracking process clear to the Repo Agent?
– What motivates the Repo Agents to provide feedback on your diligence?
Quantitative Research
We use these surveys for different purposes: identifying user needs, assessing usage intentions, measuring satisfaction and quality of use, identifying usability issues, among others.
We conducted a survey with Repo Agents (users of the app who locate cars) and offices, and received 65 responses. From there, we began to outline and detail our problem, exchanging our assumptions for certainties and clarifying our doubts.
Main findings
Repo Agents would like to receive more forms/contracts from offices without having to request them every time.
They would like to know the name of the court officer who has the warrant.
There is no photo or visual reference of the vehicle model they need to investigate, making their search difficult.
They can only select one office at a time, and they miss the ability to search across all office bases.
89.7% of respondents believe that the greater the return on due diligence, the greater the level of trust in the localization company.
79.5% of feedback is done via WhatsApp
The most important criterion for the office to send new contracts to Repo Agents is: Who seizes the most vehicles (51.3%).
The most important criteria for the firm to send high-value cases is: Who sends the most feedback on the diligences (68.4%)
Characteristics of Application Users
This application is used by so-called Repo Agents, whose characteristics are:
Age Group
Age: from 30 to 35 years old to 65 years old
Self-employed, little education, have a motorcycle as a work vehicle.
Social Class
The highest rate of users are from classes C, D and E.
Little technological knowledge.
Heuristic analysis

Some of the conclusions I was able to draw through Heuristic Analysis:
– Some terms are very specific to the business. For a new user (Repo Agent) who has never used the application, these terms may seem confusing (e.g.: Due Diligence, Warranties);
– When searching for a car license plate, the information about the contract (seizure) is very confusing without a visual hierarchy. The icons to copy the text may confuse the user because they may give the impression that they will open a new page;
– The menu with the items “Contract”, “Addresses”, “Operation”, “Chat” and “Searches” are presented in a very discreet way at the bottom of the screen;
– The spacing of the information throughout the application is confusing, without a margin and alignment;
– The most important function for the Repo Agent: REGISTER DILIGENCE is in the background. In other words, we need to navigate to the item ADDRESSES to start a new due diligence;
– The link to print the document, an important function for the Repo Agent, is being displayed discreetly at the top of the diligence page;
– The information about the vehicle does not appear to be in the order of importance.
From this stage, I was able to identify the objectives, behaviors and pain points of our users, and from this I created a persona that represents the patterns found in the discovery stage:

User Research
Quantitative research was conducted to discover the negative points in the current application.
What is the main objective of the application?
The user’s main objective is to control the entire investigation process until the vehicle is seized.
What is the user's goal/focus? What attracts the Repo Agents to use the app?
Financial motivation is Repo Agent’s main focus. In a survey conducted by the company, around 30% of users use competing apps.
Problems to be solved and Solution Hypotheses
The Problem
The main problems identified in the survey were:
– Repo Agents do not receive or do not identify contracts in the app;
– Repo Agents do not usually provide feedback to offices;
– Lack of hierarchy is causing interference in the current layout;
– Lack of explanation about technical terms and how to use the app for the first-time user.
The Loc Intelligence application presents everything the Repo Agents needs to carry out his/her work, however there is a lack of coherence in the order of the information, and the lack of contracts sent by the offices, which makes people spend more time interpreting the dynamics of the website.
One of the factors that led me to this problem was the fact that the biggest difficulties identified in the user survey were related to expressions such as: I do not receive contracts.
Focus question to guide the work
How can I improve the user experience so that they can interpret the application more quickly and achieve their goal?
Solution hypotheses
– The Repo Agents does not usually give feedback to the office: why does the app not encourage it or is it a habit?
– Reviewing the app’s texts to see if there is an opportunity to improve and make the information clearer?
– Would including tutorials and subtitles be a good option?
Visual Design
Color Palette
I used blue and green because they are Loc Intelligence’s predominant colors.
I noticed that blue is a color that creates good contrast in images in most cases. In most of the images I collected on the moodboard, there were shades of blue in some part. I used blue to highlight the CTA.
I also noticed when analyzing some websites from different segments that blue is a very common color to use in CTA buttons.
White was used to provide contrast in the typography.

Visual References
To create this moodboard, I used the following words as a basis to guide my research:
Digital; Technology; Modern; Pleasing; Trust; Security.

Low Fidelity Wireframes
High fidelity wireframes
I developed the medium fidelity wireframe with the Content First concept in mind and this saved me a huge amount of time when I started working on the layout colors.
Final prototype
Screens and navigation flows
The old version of the app had many inconsistencies and visual hierarchy issues, confusing its users.
By creating a more intuitive and modern interface, navigation became simple and intuitive, allowing the Repo Agent to drastically reduce the mental strain required to perform daily tasks.
User Interface
The new interface was developed with easier and simpler flows for users, speeding up navigation.

Final Result
Conclusion and lessons learned
What did I solve in this project?
I was faced with a confusing interface with several blind spots for users. When redesigning the app, I reduced the cognitive load by creating a more straightforward and simple navigation.
What was the biggest lesson learned?
I learned that the best way to reach a user-centric solution is to understand all the problems and difficulties in performing the main actions within the application. I also discovered that creating simpler flows and using everyday terminology help the user achieve their goal faster and more efficiently.